Tokyo is a place where the urgent rhythms of consumer culture collide with the quieter moments that linger in the oldest customs. It is a feverish madness fermented by the calmest zenicas.
The pure energy point is the most striking expression of the capital of Japan. Tokyo is a place where the urgent rhythms of consumer culture collide with the quieter moments that linger in the oldest customs. It is a feverish madness fermented by the calmest zenicas.
While it's true that the exciting vibe has a somewhat depressing side: shoebox homes, farms, and office blocks crisscrossed by elevated highways filled with traffic, Tokyo remains a shining example of post-Second Japan 'miracle' World War.
What makes Tokyo intriguing is the tension between the gigantic scale and meticulous detail. Sightseeing in its streets can be a neon assault that leaves you elated and breathless, or an encounter with the exquisite art of underestimation. Get on the subway and see how one city really is.
Feeding is half the fun of being in Japan, and the appetizing adventurer will know that nihon ryori (Japanese food) is much more than the sushi, tempura, and sukiyaki he is best known for in other nations - there are more than 20 different forms of Japanese cuisine to สิ่งทีต้องทำที่ญี่ปุ่น.
It is not difficult to find many things to keep you out of trouble in Tokyo. Or take you to that. Whether it's kabuki (traditional Japanese theater) or karaoke, izakaya (half place, half pub), or hot springs, Big Umeboshi, the 'Sour Giant Plum,' has it all year round.
If you are staying in Tokyo or an additional major city for a week or more, gaijin houses (also known as guest houses) are a budget accommodation option worth considering. The minimum rate term is usually one month, but some houses also offer weekly or possibly daily rates.
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